I’m writing a Novel!

Hello friends,


I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m beginning to novelize my short story, Confessions of an Abortion Addict. Needless to say, this is going to be a very time-consuming effort and it might affect my ability to post stuff regularly for my blog. I’ll try to do my best, though.

To those who are curious as to why I’ve decided to pursue this—it’s because it’s been a  dream of mine to write a novel. This isn’t going to be my first novel (I finished one with Nanowrimo back in 2012. Yes, I wrote 50,000 words in one month—and I have the shirt to prove it!) but I want to make sure that it’s bold, innovative and of course a fantastic read.

I probably realized that this might be better served as a novel, after a very passionate discussion with one of my closest friend who wanted me to make a novel out of this particular short story– which he found to be an amazing read, and I enjoyed it personally myself. Then after re-reading it multiple times, I felt that there was something more we can explore.

If you’ve been following my blog, one thing that I’m always looking for is originality. My aim has always been to stand out from everyone else but more importantly make you all think; in essence, I’d like to to be as authentic as possible.

This is going to sound weird but every fibre of my being wants to be a writer and even if I don’t ever get a major book deal or the respect and admiration writers get; I don’t want to regret not finishing the job. I know in my heart that I was put on this Earth to write. Nothing comes more naturally to me than putting my thoughts on paper ( or in this case my laptop screen…ha-ha) and I’ll do just that.


I will try to post excerpts just to keep you guys informed. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the support, and it’s because of all of you that I feel confident in myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!



A.R. Minhas




  1. slowpoke1977

    Write on! Reading your post made me feel a little more focused.. that love for writing we share.. putting our thoughts on paper is one those beautiful passions… healthy and free stories… and we also share the love of Art.. keep expressing! great job!!📝🎨

    1. A.R. Minhas

      Yeah, it’s all about focusing. I just try to write something every day, and I do the best I can. And honestly, it’s like therapy sometimes. But yeah keep doing what you’re doing, all the best to you! 🙂

  2. jyvurentropy

    These are the best reasons to want to write a novel 🙂 I know you wrote this awhile ago, but this was so nice to read! I hope the novel-writing experience was wonderful for you.

    1. A.R. Minhas

      Thank you for your comment. I feel like writing is like therapy for me, and I don’t know what I would do without it. It has been an amazing experience writing a novel hopefully I can have it done by this summer.

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